Progress. And souvenirs.

Jun 19, 2010 00:45

Still alive. Still graduated. Still arting, bit by doodle by page by stroke by bit.

Tonight -

Krisareth. 4x6" canvas, acrylic. In progress.

Upcoming, dragonboat practice, dragonboat festival, hands falling off, maybe.

Considering research and planning for the future... more than I thought I'd be doing at this stage, but feels too good of a direction to stop lining the path in advance.

I love my girlfriend.

Also, I'm very glad that I live on the top of a slope of even a slight hill, though driving over the river today was somewhat terrifying.

Also to note, my brother and his wife are awesome on the account of getting me this as a souvenir from Cancun. Living awesome.

my real life let me show you it, dragons, there's a reason art students starve

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