"Oh come on, Tin Man, have a heart!"

Dec 09, 2007 18:04

Been a little bit since I've updated but I've actually been kind of busy for once. In real life news I went to Pine Bluff last week with Leah and Lindsey. Lindsey was working there and she wasn't sure where everything was so we went down a day early so she could get a feel for the place. I wasn't really feeling the trip but I had fun. Lindsey sang which is always great and Leah almost laughed so hard I thought she was going to wreck (not really...Leah is a very safe driver). As for me, I used the 6 hours or so to write and sleep. I was kinda boring.

In other real life news I've realized that I have almost none of my Christmas presents purchased. Aren't I so smart? I've talked my Dad into going shopping with me next week because I don't want to go alone and he is the only person I have bought for. Now if I could only find his present.

In TV news I watched the Sci-fi mini-series Tin Man and it was fantastic. It's online at scifi.com if you want to watch it. It was so good. A very nice twist on the classic fairy tale. And speaking of Sci-fi, the mid-season finale of Stargate: Atlantis aired last Friday. It was a good episode but it pissed me off so bad. They told us that they had killed off a character who has been missing for the past few episodes. They didn't show us...they told us. I felt very cheated. I will say this for SGA though, they have some fantastic actors (and it doesn't hurt that they're gorgeous too).

Some randoms things before I sign off. I am in a great mood. And I've been in a great mood for a while now. I still have my little 'grr' moods but they are few and far between and they disappear very quickly. Very weird. And something very random. I have a little metal Santa Claus sitting on my desk and it shakes. It's like a bobble head. It makes me happy. And it makes me giggle. I love Christmas!

And that's all for today folks. Have a great week! Later!

I've written some fics which can be found here or at fanfiction.net under KourtTears. If you haven't watched Tin Man though you probably won't understand them.

tv, tin man, home, sga

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