"Home is behind, the world ahead...And there are many paths to tread..."

Aug 26, 2007 21:58

So, as Leah pointed out, I haven't done a post in over a month and I've decided that it is time to let the world know what I've been up to.

I moved back to Fayetteville (again) after spending most of the summer at home swimming and laying out by the pool. The pool that my Dad finally got clean and swim worthy. So, I'm at my new home now and things are going fairly well. I got registered for my classes and found a job. Well, I found two jobs actually but I'm only working one now. I got a job at Harp's as a cashier the week I got back but when I got the job of school and my hours changed they didn't have a place for me. I was expecting it and honestly I'm glad that it happened. The people there were nice but the rules were the dumbest I've ever heard of. So now I'm working at the Survey Research Center at school as a telephone interviewer and a data entry clerk. It pays well and they let me make my own schedule which rocks since my classes are weird.

For the first time ever I'm taking night classes. Well, one night class on Wednesday that lasts from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. It's a good class though so I'm not too upset about it. My other classes kind of suck though. One is Human Geography and it's so boring, plus there are like one hundred and fifty people in that class. It's weird after being used to classes that only had 30 people max. My other two classes are about East Asia, more specifically China and Japan. One deals with domestic politics and the other with foreign politics. I'm kind of excited about them but the prof. focuses a lot on Economics which I hate. The library here makes up for it though. It's huge and wonderful and I kind of want to live there.

Besides real live stuff I've also got a few new fandoms. One is Blood Ties on Lifetime. It's about a vampire and a private detective. The vamp (Henry) is played by the devastatingly handsome Kyle Schmid. He's totally my new celebrity crush. He is so hot in this show. Also on Lifetime is State of Mind which is funny and heartbreaking all at the same time. I highly suggest you go to Lifetimetv.com and watch the episodes they have up. Oh, and not to neglect the SciFi channel, it also has another of my new shows. It's Eureka and it's hilarious. Colin Ferguson (Jack Carter) and Ed Quinn (Nathan Stark) make this show so much fun to watch. Not only are the super hot but the sarcastic banter and their fights over Salli Richardson (Allison Blake) are brilliant.

Um, oh and I found about 10 different books that I want to order but that's going to have to wait until I get paid (and buy my school books). Ugh, being a grown up sucks. Especially since my Dad has been an ass lately. I won't go into it but when a father talks to his daughter like mine did to me, well lets just say that the daughter doesn't really have anything to say to her father. The worst part is that he acts like everything is okay between us when it's not. He calls to either ask me how much I'm getting paid or to see if I ordered medicine from his insurance. Which is all he seems to care about. Not the fact that I'm on my own for the first time (and five hours away from my family) or the fact that I still don't really know what I'm doing. All he cares about is the money and what I'm costing him. For the record I've barely been civil to him on the phone so maybe he'll get a clue. Oh well, enough with the pity. He'll either wise up and start acting like a Dad or he'll find himself all alone.

I don't really have anything else to write about. I'll be in Hoxie in September for Lindsey's wedding and then I probably won't be back until Thanksgiving. So, if you want to see me or do something while I'm in town just let me know. I hope everyone who is starting/has started school has a great semester. And to those that aren't in school anymore, well you suck! Have a great week and I'll try to update more frequently. Later!

eureka, blood ties, books, tv, home, school

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