Jun 15, 2005 21:46
so yesterday.. i was talking to brittany and now she says that she never said that stuff about me. that she was only looking out for me because she didnt want to see me get hurt... but she hurt me more than if other people would of said it to me.... there are 2 people in this school whose oppinion matter to me... i take what these to people say to my grave... those two are brittany and SAMMIE.. they are always looking out for me no matter what and that means so much to me... and it hurt to have brits say that kind of stuff, but as always SAM was there to dig me out of my hole... well today dustin schultz found out that i dated his brother.. we have been in summer school this hole time and he just fingured it out.. it was funny but anyway.. my love life sucks.. as ALWAYS lol.. and daddy bought me a POOL for my b-day it rocks... but anyway PEACE OUT