(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 12:39

Okay so I'm back at school... and I'm only awake right now (and have been since 8:30) because Katie's (my roomate's) cell phone went off because she got a text message, and then beeped continuously ever minute or something until she got her ass up to shut it off. So that woke me up. So move in day wasn't TOO bad except for the fact that my car decided to be rediculous and leak radiator fluid an hour after I left my house. So my dad had to drive it back home to figure out what was the mattter with it while my mom and I finished the drive out here and moved me in. So my car needed a new water pump. What BS. At least my dad's gonna bring it to me tomorrow I think. Ugh.

Ok, I typed that like an hour and a half ago, and I just went to brunch (which was amazing), took a shower, then realized I started writing in this. haha. Ok, so other than all that shit, move in day went pretty well. I got my books and everything, so that's all taken care of. I need to make a walmart run though because we need an extension cord and a cable cord so we can hook up our TV and whatnot.

My suitemates are REAL annoying. They're super obnoxious. I just have to get used to them I guess. =/  Which will suck. Tonight there's a floor meeting and I get to meet the rest of the people on my floor, so that'll be good.

I absolutely love the location of my room. I'm right outisde of the dining hall, so I can smell the food cooking all the time. It smells amazing. I love it. Except it makes me hungry.. boo. Also, right across from my window (a few hundred feet though) is another dorm building, and this morning as I was lying in bed I was imagining getting one of those long string things with the cups at the end, and putting the other end in the room right across from mine, and seeing if it would work. That would be fun, I wanna do it. Ok. I'll shut up now.

Classes start tomorrow. Boooooooo

Ok, so there's my update...
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