(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 13:25

FMA 16 seems mostly to be an episode about everyone being really sad about Hughes.

.....this actually makes me very happy. The only thing that was really bothering me about the new FMA anime was how fast it was moving. They were really ripping through shit in the early episode, not really taking the time to stop and explain and develop the way I would have wanted them to. I told myself that it was probably because this stuff had all been covered (mostly) in the first anime, and once they got into new stuff after Ling was introduced, they would slow down. Fortunately, it looks like I was right.

Also, Tamaki-voiced Ling = sheer genius. I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR LING. That is all.

fullmetal alchemist, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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