(no subject)

Jun 29, 2009 21:40

Okay! OMG! Pictures of the inside of our house! It only took us five months to decorate and get the house into such a state whereupon I would be willing to take pictures and put them up on the internet. Now, we are at that state.

The first room when you come in is the living room, presented here...

Note the shiny new entertainment center. No piece of furniture in this house cost more than two hundred dollars...

....except that one. We love our sofa. I would marry our sofa if it was legal. I want us to always be together.

You can see up the stairs from here. I took a picture of the stairs, mostly so you can see that we actually hung pictures in an artistic manner. Like we live here or something.

Moving on from there, we come to the dining room:

Please note the cute cat-shaped salt-and-pepper shakers. Also, that's the side of our fridge with crap plastered all over it that you can see. The dining room also has our curio cabinet, which makes us both feel very adult. It also keeps the cats from destroying our stuff.

An amusing story about this curio cabinet is that it is actually a bookshelf, but with glass doors for some bizarre reason. So we're using it as a curio cabinet instead.

Kitchen, kitchen galore! The kitchen was hard to photograph due to strange angles, so I just took a bunch of photos.

....note our adult-like appliances.

....note our porcupine-shaped scrubber. =D

....note... okay, don't note the container of chocolate muffins. You can note my nifty teapot collection, though.

That lamp came with the house. I swear.

From the kitchen, we enter the living room. Actually, those last two pictures of the kitchen were taken from the living room. Here's my corner:

Which comes with a special shot of Schu, wondering what the heck I'm doing. So I said, "Schu, look over here!" Thus this picture:

In which Schu is most definitely not looking at me. On the upside, it's a great shot of my Yami no Matsuei prints. =D

Here's Amanda's corner:

...about which I have nothing to say.

Also on the first floor is the laundry room:

Which I took a picture of mostly to prove that we have a full-size washer and dryer. Which cost more than all the furniture we bought. .....I might actually mean that; I'd have to do some math to make sure.

Upstairs, here's my room, which photographed *extremely* badly, so you can't really see anything. Which might actually be better than the alternative.

And Amanda's room, which photographed marginally better, maybe because she's got a prettier bed.

You still can't see half of the stuff in our bedrooms, but a) I was running out of space on the camera, and b) they're our bedrooms and I didn't figure anyone would actually care that much.

Last but not least, I took a picture of my windchime collection:

...in which you will please ignore the dead grass. It hasn't rained since February, all right? And water out here is expensive. On the upside, check out my windchimes! I collect them. I finally have a collection that I'm very proud of. Uh, not counting the bird feeder, as it is obviously not a windchime. Really? It's a cat toy. The cats are hi-freaking-larious watching birds on that thing.

Okay! That's it! Now that I've gushed on in a presumably annoying manner, I will go to bed!

housedom, happy entry is happy

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