(no subject)

May 21, 2009 18:46

So, I gave in to Twitter, and let me tell you why.

At first I was like, "Why do I need Tiwtter? I've got Livejournal and Facebook!" But then.... it occurred to me... I don't *use* LJ and Facebook. I mean, I post to LJ what, two or three times a month? And Facebook even less often, because whenever I go to Facebook, I just wind up feeling guilty about all the old friends who are sending me messages that I haven't had time to reply to. ......yeah.

Why is Twitter appealing? It's not because I think anyone is really that interested in the minutiae of my daily life. It's because it's *quick*. Because I'll have something amusing happen to me and think, "I should post that to my LJ later!" But by the time I get home I'm tired, or I've forgotten, or it just seems like too much effort. But Twitter is so quick you can do it right on the spot! And then you hook it up with your LJ so all your friends who vow they will never get twitter can read it, and it's like a daily LJ entry machine! Or something.

Why all the justifying? I guess because I'm insecure. =D And I know some people who are going to make fun of me.

ANYWAY. kouriarashi @ Twitter, yo. Follow it if you so desire.


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