(no subject)

May 05, 2009 16:03

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the best argument against gay marriage I have yet seen. Lifted from the forums at MSN.

"It is meant to be the way it is. A man with a woman. Interesting that the term penis, means "dagger," and vagina, means "sheath." Where do men keep daggers? In sheaths, not in anuses!"

...BWAHAHAHAHA! Daggers are for sheaths, not anuses!

Someone should make a LOLmacro out of this.

PEE ESS - An e-cookie for whoever can help me figure out exactly *where* this etymology lesson begins. The original Latin, perhaps?

ETA: Apparently "vagina" really is Latin for "sheath", but according to Merriam-Webster and dictionary.com, penis is Latin for "tail". Hmmmm.... I don't think the symbolism there would please the original poster. =D

PEE PEE ESS - This reminds me so much of "water is for ducks, not cats!"

faghag through and through, stupid politics is stupid, rainbow rights

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