(no subject)

Apr 29, 2009 18:58

I hate being a hypochondriac, and I hate pandemics. They lead to moment like this.

Me: *cough*
My subconscious: OMG OMG OMG you just coughed you could have swine flu!
My rational side: If you did, you would have a fever. And you don't. Chillax.
My subconscious: Are you sure? It's warm in here! You're warm! Go check.
My rational side: Dude, if it'll really make you feel better...
Me: *checks* *does not have fever*
My rational side: There. See?
My subconscious: But you're having trouble breathing!
My guilt complex: Dude, if you have swine flu you'll totally miss work and the office will be completely screwed.
My rational side: Will y'all please shut up?
Me: *cough*
My subconscious: OMG IT'S FREAK OUT TIME!!

Five minutes later:

My rational side: Is it possible, just maybe, that the reason you're having trouble breathing is because you forgot to order your asthma medication LIKE A HUGE DUMBASS and so you haven't taken it steadily in over a week?
My subconscious: ............
Me: *cough*

This totally sucks. ^^;;;

It doesn't help that two of the most common symptoms of the flu (fatigue + headache/bodyaches) I have about 75% of the time anyway. It's a common disease called "having a job".

tmi is not your friend, big bad world, wah wah wah

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