(no subject)

Jan 12, 2009 17:40

Dear ma'm:

Your child does not have ADD. Your child is a brat. I see a dozen moms like you every month and I'm so fucking *sick* of y'all using ADD and autism as an excuse for everything. I was a psych major. I believe that ADD, ADHD, and autism are real. I just don't believe your child has any of those things. In fact, I believe that only about 25% of the children diagnosed with a spectrum disorder have any of them. (Incidentally, I believe the same thing about fibromyalgia... just possibly with a lower percentage of actual occurrence.)

So please do not tell me that "the doctor didn't know how to handle his ADD". Ma'm, what happened here today was a basic result of you having no idea how to parent your child. End of story.

No love,


PS - your grammar and spelling are terrible. If you write a complaint, have somebody proofread it for you.

PPS - bonus points for not having the balls to tell any of us to our faces that you were disappointed in today's visit, but e-mailing me two hours after the appointment. Now you can be sure that Dr. Holland will probably never find out about it.

PPPS - everyone's glad you're never coming back, because you smell. Not to be terribly, horribly immature, but lady? You smell. God invented deodorant for a reason. Please invest wisely in this wonderful substance.

healthcare doesn't, ranting time

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