(no subject)

Dec 31, 2008 22:22

Boy, have I been a recluse lately. My computer is crashing a lot so I've been opting out of AIM unless I specifically need to talk to someone, sadly. Hopefully a new computer is in my tax return future and will solve this problem!

In the meantime, have a meme!

Ganked from anoyo

Pick from any of my fandoms/original fics and ask me to answer the following:

Favorite character:
Least Favorite Character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely screw:
Character I'd make lunch:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Favorite Pairing:
Favorite Yaoi pairing:
Favorite Yuri pairing:

meme, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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