(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 18:36

So, if I don't report in by tomorrow night, y'all can assume I've been hit by lightning.

.....my polling place is the Shield of Faith Christian Center.

All worries about my immortal soul going up in flames just for setting foot in the place, let alone going in there and voting for everything I intend to vote for, I don't see how this can be legal. Studies have proven that being reminded of stuff like religion will affect your thinking. On the SATs, they've proven that Asian girls, if they're reminded of their girlness before the test (ie if they put in a question where you mark your gender) will do worse on math, and if they're reminded of their Asian-ness, they'll do better on math. So, setting aside the stunning things this says about cultural stereotypes, it also says quite a bit about the way our brains subconsciously process information.

So what will it do to have all these voters subconsciously reminded of religion as they go in to vote?

....I kinda want to write a research paper now.

Possibly worth noting: this church has a big "YES FOR 102" banner up. (102 is the constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage in Arizona.) It is conspicuously far enough away from the entrance that they can't be accused of electioneering and asked to take it down, but still highly visible.

This annoys me, but frankly I expect 102 to pass because there are a lot of bigots here. I'm much more worried about Prop 8 in California, which would negate the court's decision earlier this year.


geekery, 2008 elections, stupid politics is stupid, rainbow rights

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