(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 14:31


Here's my checklist again...

- confirm the cat sitter, as I haven't heard from her since booking her with the service
- do laundry in a major way
- clean this hellhole apartment in a major way - almost complete, just need to scrub the cat-box area and vacuum
- take the car for its one-year maintenance before I try to drive it to Flagstaff
- figure out what to pack and what to pack it in
- pack it
- organize my CDs
- call the train station to confirm that they'll be open for me to pick up tickets at 4 AM (they have been in the past)
- buy food for the trip, a couple new sets of nylons, and a new watch (mine's broken)

And that's it! OMG I can't believe I'm almost ready to go. It's a good thing I wrote this comprehensive list of stuff to do six weeks ago, or otherwise I'd be sure that I've forgotten something. .....okay, I *am* sure I'm forgetting something, but at least I'm sure it's nothing big. Heh.


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