(no subject)

Aug 03, 2008 17:37

I've been trying to read House of Leaves.

Key word there is "trying".

I know a lot of people consider this a masterpiece, but honestly? I think this author is way too clever for his own good and altogether too impressed with himself.

There, I said it. *waits to be hit by lightning*

PS - I really like The Da Vinci Code, but I'm not sure I'd call that good, either. Heh.

PPS - Mostly I've just been reading the Codex Alera series. And struggling through The Virtu. I really liked Melusine, but I just can't get through The Virtu.

PPPS - Twilight, as a book, sucks. But I will see the movie, because *damn*, the guy playing Edward is hot. (Yes, I know it's Cedric Diggory.)

bookworm, geekery

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