(no subject)

Apr 05, 2008 23:36

You know, I think I need to leave my apartment more often.

.....seriously. Karasu and I got bored tonight so we wandered to downtown Chandler to try this tea place we'd heard about, and then there were jewelry stands that we poked at, and by the time we left it was after ten and we were hungry, so we went by Jack in the Box. It was fun. I think I had kinda forgotten what it is to just.... go out. Not for any particular purpose, not to go anywhere important or pick up something at the store, but just to wander for the sake of wandering.

Also, parents amazingly approving of decision to attempt real estate purchase. =O Dad is going to get in touch with a realtor he knows and go to the bank with us to help us navigate the muddy, terrifying waters.

Wow, this weekend is going well. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Karasu has termed my awful debilitating PMS as "the moodies", and somehow that makes it less scary.

left my apartment for once, big bad world

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