(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 20:32

It's been deadbeat week at the office.

Seriously. I've spent most of this week tracking down people who aren't taking their kids to get labs done, sending letters of concern to people who have missed appointments, and most important, going through the "pre-collections" list of people who owe us exorbitant amounts of money and are making absolutely no effort to send us a single dime.

I. I just. I don't get it. THIS IS YOUR CHILD. Shouldn't you *care* enough to bring him/her to the lab? To come to his/her appointments? To make sure they're healthy? Why is it *my* responsibility to chase these people to the ends of the earth?

Where is the disconnect here?

Also, I'm going to start fining people who lie to me. A dollar for every "Oh, we were planning to go to the lab this weekend." No you weren't. Five bucks for every "we didn't get a confirmation call". I don't give a rat's ass if you did or not. It's your responsibility to remember the appointments. And a hundred dollars for every sob story about how they just can't afford to pay off their bill, no matter how small. You know what, people? I've been there. I've been poor. I've lived without health insurance. Karasu and I paid off her last hospital bill from New Hampshire twenty dollars at a time. It took us four years. But we did it. So you know what, people? There is a difference between not having money and not giving a shit. AND I KNOW WHERE THE LINE IS.

And the worst thing is that Dr. H is such a softy that these people do this because they *know* they can get away with it, and he *lets* them get away with it. Sometimes I want to start popping people in the face.

I kinda hate everyone right now.

healthcare doesn't

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