(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 16:27

Drive-by life update:

I have $45 in gift cards to spend at Borders. Woot! Dresden Files, here I come.

Watched the first 5 episodes of the 10th doctor. ....actually I miss the 9th doctor. David Tennant is cute and all, but I kind of miss the way the 9th doctor was an asshole 90% of the time. Is it just me or is the 10th doctor a lot nicer? I mean, you can get him riled up the same way, but still. I dunno. ....he sure is adorkable, though.

Speaking of adorkable, I'm all caught up on Avatar. ZUKO ZUKO ZUKO ZUKO ZUKO. That is all.

Paid bills. Success. Got a big paycheck 'cause I worked 13 hours of overtime in the last pay period. Not so woot. But helpful in the long run.

Been sick again. Too much work and stress. But hired new person at work, so resolution of work and stress might be upcoming. Bought my first business suit. $4 at the Salvation Army. Navy blue pinstripe! Dig it.

Working a lot on PR, but skipping ahead. It's bothering me. I'm probably about 2/3rds of the way through the story in what I've written (not in what I've posted, don't make that mistake) and I just cannot get the storylines to come together. They're remaining stubbornly separate and it's annoying the piss out of me. It's like trying to cook dinner with multiple dishes - they're all going to finish at bloody different times.

Working quite a bit on SS. The fun of case fics - throw some facts and fun situations around! Don't worry about tying it all together. I won't have to deal with that headache for another few weeks.

Not working on co-authored stuff. Karasu's still obsessed with SPN and Dark Angel and doing her own stuff. Whatev.

Working on new story! It has angels.

One Piece: Ace is [SPOILER SPOILER]!!!! This is going to be so hardcore. I don't even know what Oda-sensei will do with it, but it will be hardcore.

Karasu is making pea soup. Blech.

It is raining here. Has been all day! Makes me very happy.

That's all for now. I'll post again in two weeks or so. XD

bookworm, one piece, big bad world, writing stuff, boredom makes me random, avatar

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