(no subject)

Jan 09, 2008 13:31

So, I've been following politics lately.

First of all, go New Hampshire! For always doing the unexpected. That's all, really. I don't have anything to say about the results of the election itself; I just like the way NH thumbed its nose at all the predictions.

Anyway, Arizona's primary is on February 5th, and I've been doing some thinking about who I might want to vote for. I'm registered as an independent, so I can vote in either primary. It strikes me that I might want to vote in the Repulican primary. When the fated day comes, I'll vote Democrat - that's almost a guarantee. But frankly, I don't have much of an opinion on any of the Democrats. I would honestly be okay to see just about any of them in office (except Bill Richardson as he is anti-gay). I know some of my friends really hate Hillary, although I don't know why. She's always left me with a bit of a cold-fish feeling. I don't like her, but I can't really say why. Any opinion on this, Hillary-haters?

If I was going to vote on electability only, I would vote for Obama. I think he's got the best chance of beating any of the Republican candidates. But then, I hate to turn a political election into a popularity contest (although, isn't it always?).

Given all these givens, I thought, maybe I'll vote in the Repulican primary, to see if I can get a Repulican I don't absolutely hate on the ballot versus whatever Democrat gets the nomination, so if the Republicans win, it won't be a total loss. Then again, I don't know much about any of the Repulicans. Really all I can say is that Ron Paul > John McCain > Mitt Romney > Huckabee. Honestly, anyone but Huckabee, please. His Baptist Minister-ness makes me squirm. (Although, I might not be sad to see him get the Republican nomination, because I don't think he could win the actual election. I think Blue and Purple America is also squirming from his Baptist Minister-nesss.)

So, anyone have any opinions or advice for me? Comments will be screened so people will not have to toss their political heart to the wolves. Also, no flaming tolerated - keep in mind that these are all *my* opinions and I am in no way trying to inflict them upon anyone else. I'm honestly just looking for advice - I'm very excited about the upcoming election and I want to make sure I do the right thing.

2008 elections

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