(no subject)

Jan 06, 2008 14:59

Too lazy to do a full trip review for the moment. But I will do a "things I inflicted myself upon" review. =D

Avatar: the Last Airbender: PWNED. This series now has my soul. Particularly Zuko, Iroh, and Sokka. I need more of it. (I'm a little ways into season 2.) Also, I have addicted Karasu to it as well. WIN.

Harry Dresden: WIN. I got the first three for Christmas. I was all set to devote all my love and affection to Harry, until I met Thomas. Thomas now owns what part of my soul is not owned by Zuko.

The Golden Compass: *way* overhyped. Honestly I didn't like it that much. In comparison to LotR and Narnia, I found it weak and unsatisfying.

Red vs. Blue: If I don't get season 4 of this soon, I may die from withdrawal.

Reaper: Meh.

Heroes, season 2: .....Mohinder/Parkman FOR THE WIN. Oh, and the rest of the season is okay.

Mirrormask: I don't want to be a waiter! =D

That's about it. More Avatar and Dresden now plzkthx. (Also, more One Piece. I do not approve of current events! Actually, I do. I wanna see how they'll get out of it. =D)

Oh, and for any friends on AIM wondering about my radio silence - I have been dreadfully sick. Like, honestly, I have been sick with three different things: a sinus/head cold thing, a digestive/ick thing, and a general I hate being a woman thing. All at once. I have been living on the sofa.

bookworm, tmi is not your friend, geekery, triptastic, avatar, slug fest

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