Another weather-related closing. There's been a lot this year. It's not actually doing anything yet, but there's supposed to be a huge ice storm today, so all the schools closed. I love the free days off, and I'm not that bummed about them being added to the end of the year, as the seniors are done June 14th either way. But the 8th graders were supposed to be having a historical symposium on the Crusades today, and that was going to be fun.
Other random things I've been meaning to post:
Hooray for
Margaret Ronald! A college acquaintance of mine, and so someone many of you already know, she's sold her first novel and has many short stories available online which those who don't know her (that means you Serge!) should check out at once! That link to her professional blog has her available stories in the sidebar, so go check it out. And keep your eyes open for Spiral Hunt. It's bound to be fabulous.
I've been spending Wednesdays with the 8th grade (half-days, shorter classes) on the Election. They're really getting into it. We've made primary calendars so they can keep track of who's won what and who's still in it. I explained delegates to them this week, but the concept of super-delegates escapes me at this point. Anyone want to give it a shot? I'm excited to spend next Wednesday's class on Super Tuesday with them. I'll be voting for Obama. You? Oh, and here in Massachusetts, the only advertising I've seen so far is for Clinton.
I've started working out at
Curves. There's one just a few minutes away, and they're open at convenient times. I've gone 3 times so far (a week's worth), and it's working really well. You only spend 30 seconds on each machine, so you don't get overwhelmed with it--you just keep moving. I think I've found my preferred mode of exercise again, for the first time in years. Yay!
So, what's up with you?
ETA: (To be shouted in John Simm's voice) Here. Comes. The. Ice!