How has it been over a month since I've posted?

Jan 28, 2014 14:15

Dissertation, mostly.

But it's not that I'm not online. It's that I'm only online in ways that seem, on the surface, to require less time from me. I'm on FB and twitter much more than DW and LJ these days, because somehow in my brain I've tagged DW and LJ (and definitely tumblr) as major time-suck, and so don't open them at all, while FB and twitter I feel like I can leave open and only half-attend to.

Anyway, hi! I'm still alive! Q turned 4 and Cassie turned 9, and we had Christmas and New Years and lots of things happened, but nothing earth-shattering. I'm in final revisions on the diss, and I have no job options panning out yet, but I'm working on it. I should be able to stay with my program one more year if I need to, as I'm in the 5th year of the PhD and so they don't need to kick me out just yet. Apparently the 7 years I took to get the Masters doesn't count in this context. :)

I gave my Sherlock Holmes-based talk on translation/adaptation/fan fiction for the translation theory class yesterday (complete with my very own deerstalker/pipe/magnifying glass costume that one of my colleagues gifted me this season) and they all seemed fairly well-convinced. It may be that I made a stronger case for the difference between what we do and what Moffat does boiling down to corporate power, or it may be the fact that I had them read about other (mostly non-Western) ways of conceptualizing translation first, but in any case, I'll take it.

I seriously feel like the last two months just drained away with no warning. I blame winter.

ETA: It's probably only fair to share a picture of 9-year-old Cassieface, since I haven't done so in a while, and her birthday was yesterday. What I shared on FB is
One of our favorite baby pictures of her:

And then her reinterpretation as a portait of the baby as a 9-year-old. I take no responsibility for those pigtails. :D

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update, teaching, dissertation

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