Moxie's been gone for 4 months now, and we started talking about getting a new cat a couple of weeks ago. Pepper's never been an only cat, and occasionally was crying upstairs all by herself. Also, both the Humane Society and the municipal animal shelter had been advertising the fullness of their cat rooms. So, last Saturday, we ventured as a family to the Humane Society to see who we might meet.
We were thinking about getting a gray cat who was a year or two old, but for various reasons, we came home with this little guy instead:
We've named him The Great Catsby, because tuxedo. Though right now, we're mostly calling him "kitty" and "little boy." Quentin, actually, is calling him "Catsby" with great enunciation, which is adorable. The kids are very excited about having a kitten (who, at 7 months, is not a baby but is still a very kittenish adolescent), and Jay and I almost forgot what having such a young pet is like, what with Pepper being 12 and Troy being 9.
So far, Pepper's not pleased, but she's also not freaking out. He stayed sequestered in our bedroom for the first two days, and then we had short meetings to see how they'd do. Catsby's fine, and at first Pepper only hissed when he got too close to her face. But now she'll sit in the doorway and sort of low growl at him. But I'm optimistic that they'll get used to each other and she'll mellow out. Right now he's in my bedroom while she's in the office with me, and they both have free reign of the second floor. So we're okay.
And Cassie's just totally in love.
In other news, yesterday was the first day of school.
And I have a third-grader now.
It was also the first day of Ballet I, and of walking to dance class and back by herself. We live very very close to her dance school, so it's a good first run at independence.
I also had my first day yesterday, teaching the same class I've taught for the past two Fall semesters, so I shouldn't have to devote too much brainspace to it. Which is good, because as I told them yesterday, I am swiftly losing space for details in my head. I blame the diss.
Speaking of which, I need to get back to it. I have basically all of the fourth chapter in my head and only 10 pages of it on screen. But it's good stuff, and I'm feeling good about it.
Last random thing! If you're familiar with
Jenny Trout's sporking of Fifty Shades, you may be interested to know that she's written a consent-positive alternative called
The Boss, (not sure which is the pseud, tbh, but she tweeted that it's hers, so) available for $2.99 on the Kindle. It's definitely light reading, but it's hot and it's actively deconstructing 50 Shades at the same time, so if such a thing interests you...
I'm somehow reading both it and the new Toby Daye at the same time. Brain.
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