This one got quite a bit challenging, as the professor who introduced her (who was one of my professors, especially for my Master's program) did it in a way that was...overly familiar and rather sexist. He told of how, when they first met in the 60s, how beautiful she was and how everyone was in love with her...and when she took the mike, she called that shit right out. It was amazing, and uncomfortable, and she called us out too, for laughing nervously as it happened.
I had my tutorial with her today, which was amazing and frightening and wonderful. And we talked about it a bit, but also all sorts of other things. I think I'll hold on to them for myself for now, because there's still a lot of processing to do.
Hope you enjoy the storify. There's only one last lecture from her tomorrow, and then the weekend (which I will spend in Rome, and computerless). I'll catch up with you all again on Monday.
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