Moxie update

Apr 11, 2013 14:36

Moxie's still with us, and still declining. He's gotten skinnier and a bit...greasier, I guess? Like he's not eating well or not cleaning himself consistently. We can see the tumor pushing through on the outside of his face now, and his eye is watering (with some thin blood) all the time now. And, just today, his mouth started oozing in the same way. :(

His eye isn't swollen shut or anything (though it is a little bit swollen); it's just him reacting to the flash.

He's still relatively chipper, though. He comes up for skritches and purrs. He's not crying or hiding himself away.
heresluck was telling me last night that we'll know when he's done. And I know he's not done.

But we're about to go away for the weekend, and I'm a little afraid of how he'll do in those three days. :(

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moxie, health:cats

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