This morning Q tucked two stuffed penguins into his jacket and announced, "I'm a daddy penguin!" He rode to daycare that way.
I'm probably not going to keep posting little penguin stories on the journal. Big ones, maybe. But if you want little Q/penguin tidbits, twitter or FB is the place to be.
In other kid news, Cassie came home sick yesterday after lunch. They called me to come pick her up, and when I arrived, I noticed that there's a new buzzer system, like the one the charter school and the EI program already have. I haven't needed to use that door and pick her up halfway through the day before, so I'm assuming they installed it this summer. It has a camera, and the usual practice I've seen is that they use it to check you out, and then buzz you right through. Yesterday, however, a woman from the office came out and spoke to me through the door. She asked me my business, and when I told her I was there to pick up my sick daughter, she asked me her name. Then she went back to check my story and only then did she buzz me through.
When I got into the office she apologized for making me wait like that, but I shook my head. "I completely understand."
What I really should have said was "Thank you."
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