Fourteen pages. OMG, you guys.
And it's still going. It's slower now, but I'm still getting lots of notifications, on both the LJ and DW entries, and on people's comments. And you know what? Everyone is so lovely!
I mean it! I sort of knew, one day, that something I wrote would start to get around. As the dissertation gets closer to done, or when I (eventually) turn it into a book. I was expecting that at some point, I would write something controversial and would end up with a lot of strangers coming back to my journal to argue with me. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! It's just sort of always on m mind whenever I'm being all academic about fandom. Some people are really not fans of aca-fen. I know this.)
But this! This is whole 14 pages (and even more on LJ) full of love and awesome, and I couldn't be happier.
Rhiannon Bury tweeted @me the other day that the reaction to this post (and I suppose, my writing it in the first place)
supports the research she's doing, which is really, really cool.
I'm on campus today, running around scanning things and talking to people about possible funding for a totally awesome thing that I want to do this summer, (details will be forthcoming if it actually happens) and I'm just bouncing around the whole time. So much happy.
Thank you for being part of it. Yes, you.
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