Quentin had his 15-month checkup yesterday, at which we learned that he's gained less than a pound in the last three months, and is a good two inches shorter than Cassie was at this age. He's my wee little guy. He eats fine though, and had a stomach bug in the past 3 months, so we're not worried.
What we are a little worried about is his lack of words. He had a few before the series of ear infections that led to his tubes. Hi, baby, kitty. They went away with the ear infections, though, and haven't come back in any reliable way. He started signing "more" and "all done" pretty consistently this weekend, which is good--and we know he can hear music, because he bounces and scats to
"The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife are some Jive-Ass Slippers," but he's been referred for a hearing test, again. It's entirely possible that he has some impairment that's causing his expressive language to lag. It's also entirely possible that he's just not ready to use his words consistently yet. He's entirely within the normal range, but because of all the ear infections (he's on the tail-end of another one, btw) he's also in the danger zone for hearing loss.
In other news, he's walking pretty well, though he still prefers to hang on to things. The walk he took for this video is still the longest one he's done so far.
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Listen for what my mother likes to call his "cougar noise" as he walks into the living room to announce his arrival.
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