Nothing but Health Updates

Jan 25, 2011 17:40 what it feels like these days. I'm sure if I go back into January posts from other years it won't be much different, though.

Cassie was complaining of a sore throat yesterday. I sent her to school with a dose of Motrin and a Cepacol fizzler (good alternative to spray, which she can't abide.) When she came home from school she was listless and complaining, and had a slight (100.5) fever. When I also saw Q tugging on his ear (I had been suspecting another ear infection), I called the doc and brought them both in. They took a culture of her throat (negative so far) and looked in Q's ears (clear so far). The fever stuck around, so we figured she'd be staying home with me today (I'm on a MWF schedule at UMass).

When she woke up, she cried and wailed and coughed, and climbed into bed with me. She was a little hot coal in the bed, so I took her temperature-- 104.1. Motrin, juice and tv got her down to 100.9. She and I settled in with some PBS, Doctor Who (she's watching NuWho with me from the beginning) and Avatar: the Last Airbender all afternoon. When she fell asleep I put the Star Trek reboot on. I had a fever of my own by then. We both have barky coughs.

When she woke up from her nap she was measuring 105 degrees. Panicking, I called the pediatrician's office, and the nurse suggested alternating Motrin and Tylenol (which I hadn't been doing because we had been okay without it so far), and getting her in the tub. She was miserable and screamy, but I got her in the tub anyway. She didn't want to put her head in, but I told her, honestly, that we needed to keep her brain from cooking. :(

I made her stay in the tub until her temp was down (DOWN!) to 103. We changed her clothes and got more juice into her. I made Jay come home and pick Q up, since I couldn't make her go outside, and I couldn't leave her home either. He brought home popsicles and powerade, which helped some more. I just took her temp again and it's 101.2. My own is 101.7.

If I am well enough to go in tomorrow it's going to be a drive out, teach, drive back kind of day. Jay has a meeting in the afternoon, and a pile of work to do still, so he might go back into the office tonight. What I'm most worried about at this point is making sure Q stays healthy. If he's got a fever on Monday they won't do his ear surgery. :(

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health, quentin, parenting, cassie

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