I feel like I need to add an epilogue to my last post, in which Cassie had gotten sick again, and of the same kind. Later that same day, Jay came down with it, and then I did. Yesterday morning I woke up with a 103 fever, which stayed really high all day. At one point I got the chills so badly that I threw myself into a hot shower and then fell into bed and slept for three hours, wet head and all. Cassie was well enough by then to entertain herself for all that time, thankfully. Jay had taken Q to his pre-op appointment without me.
Today was a snow day so Cassie stayed home with me while Jay ventured out to work and took Q to daycare in the slushy streets. I got grading done and polished up my syllabus. The new semester started today (though UMass closed early due to weather) but my class doesn't start until tomorrow. The fever's gone but I'm not 100%. I pushed my stomach too hard eating Gardenburger for lunch, and I shoveled the driveway and may have overexerted a bit. But now I'm snuggled up on the couch with my afghan and my netbook, and a can of ginger ale. I may sneak in an X-files episode before Jay comes down from putting the kids to bed. (I'm watching it from season 1, since I only ever saw dribs and drabs the first time around. I'll have to post on that soon...)
Also posted at
http://kouredios.dreamwidth.org/176306.html ; feel free to comment there if you so choose:
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