Sep 19, 2008 01:16
Time for a reality check. I've wasted the last three years. Well, wasted in terms of not gaining any qualifications, however I've learnt heaps in the field of computing and electronics. Having said that, it's back to school next year (FULL-FUCKING-TIME) to continue with Robotics and Mechatronics. I desperately want to be an engineer. I want to specialise in a field. Not to sound judgemental or anything, but it really grinds my shit how many people are content in doing just a shitty job and not studying a certain profession.
Fuck, I need to go in to Tafe to try to organise returning next year.
How I'll earn money, well, we'll have to see. Maybe Andy (my boss) will let me do one day a week, although I highly doubt it. I don't see why not though - I work really fucking fast and I keep the standards high. Again, we'll see; I really like my job. Just scored a job doing pizza delivery. Shit job, but it'll get me money while I'm at school full time.
I don't condone war or anything. But I love weapons and machines of war. Let's face it, every technilogical breakthrough is made by defense R&D. That Navman in your car? Defense R&D. Internet? Defense R&D. You get the picture. So, it would be fucking sweet to score a job at the DoD or some defense contractor.
I want to be an engineer. Everything begins with an engineer. Probably the only job (apart from scientists (well, an engineer is an 'applied' scientist...) that will never be made redundant (until machines become self-aware, hehe).
This is probably why I can't sleep. I'm stressed to the hilt.
My amplifier is still for sale. (I should really advertise in the Trading Post and on ebay). If you, or anyone you know is after a cheap all-valve 60W combo that's simple to use and has nice creamy overdrive, let me know.