Probing Questions

Mar 18, 2004 14:33

My turn to get in on this Interview thang. For those who do not know, here are the rules:

  1. Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.

  2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.

  3. You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.

  4. You'll include this explanation.

  5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.


Now for my Response to the Interview by el maxjenius:

  1. Do you believe there is real merit to medical cloning (for stem-cells)?

    Honestly, stem cell research is not a topic I keep up on. My fiance works in genetic research and she does not really keep up with it herself. I am normally not one to give an uninformed opinion, but I will state the following: I used to be interested in cloning, and if it had medical applications, I may be a little liberal on my position. That is all I will state on this. I wish I had been asked a question about politics or the economy. I have an opinion about those. (NOTE: I may research this topic and post an update on my take of the situation, but not today... busy)

  2. Have you ever wanted to go to Japan? If so, what would you do when over there?

    Tom knows this answer. I have yearned to visit Japan for some time, and I may soon. If I ever visited for personal reasons, I would have to visit all the culture sites and anime related places I could sanely fit in my time there. When I was younger I wanted to go there and visit Love Hotels (with all the hot asian woman I could get 'cause I am a playa in my mind) and other odd things that an adolescent found cool. Now that I have grown up some, and now that I have a fiance, I would rather spend my time Doing new things, or familiar things in different places... Like snowboarding in Japan! As I write this, I realize I would just like to snowboard there, meet people, learn about samurai culture, see a few temples, get lost in Tokyo, see a music concert, get drunk on sake (ok, I have not grown up A LOT), and just immerse myself in a different environment.

  3. Describe your dream job.

    I have two dream jobs for different times of my life. While I am still young, I would love to work doing information assurance testing, like pen-test or ethical hacking. Ideally it would be a job where I am paid to travel, from my beach house or city flat, around the world to do testing with international conglomerates. In my down time I would work with finding new vulnerabilities and practicing my skills. This will go on for a few years until I become jaded and bitter with the state of computer security. Then I will take my considerable savings and I will open a bar on a beach or near a college. I will run this operation until it becomes a brand in and of itself. My bar-chain will be in huge cities and po-dunk towns.

  4. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    On average, 3 small oak tree saplings a day. If said woodchuck was really productive, maybe a large Evergreen.

  5. What do you think the next "big" thing will be for our life time. Something that will change everyone's lives (for the better).

    I don't know. We may have experienced it already with the Internet. It could be a technological breakthrough or a cultural movement. It could be some invention no one has heard of that was developed in Khazakstan. It could be a renewed religious movement from a just discovered burial site. It could even be an existing phenomena that is getting media hype. If I was to hazard a guess though, I would say space exploration mixed with the low carb craze. :)

    To be honest about my guess, I think a drug, diet or sport will motivate people to be more active or healthy. Obesity is a growing problem with Americans, and I think it will get to the point where people get fed up with being fat, or tired, or "unattractive". The health benefits of being more fit will be the next big thing. There is no reason to not be fit. It is not trendy to be fit, it is just good for you, and as soon as Americans are motivated to be healthier, I think we will have our next "big" thing that ain't so big.

    Then we could focus on the next big thing after that...

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