Sep 14, 2006 04:26
the whole night during work my mind was preoccupied on what phone to purchase to replace the one i lost earlier that evening. as i was pondering on true ring tones, integrated mp3 players, megapixel cameras, and a host of other superfluous functions it occured to me that this was an opportune time to take advantage of such a calamity and turn it into a social experiment, using myself as the guinea pig. the aim was to see how long i could go without the aid of a mobile.
so i decided to let go of the ideas of having jellybones as my ring tone, not having any exaggerated protruding contours (if any) in my pockets and taking crisp clear digital photos. this led to contemplations of the consequences in delaying such a purchase and i realised how daunting a task it will be since i am so dependant on my mobile phone and in general addicted to technology. like any addiction, going cold turkey leaves you with a yearning in your heart and a void in your stomach which needs to be ravenously satiated. in other words relapse.
replapse or not it will be intresting considering my many entries regarding the inundation of technology in our everyday lives and subsequent wistful yearnings for the period when things were a little less complex. a time when people would arrange outings over the home phone and will more likely than not be there because mobile phones were not available (due to econominc inpracticabiles and also the brick like size)to cancel arrangements 30 minutes prior. a time when emails and SMSs were still unpopular and you had to acquire peoples numbers and then call them and prey for no awkade silences. or a time when you were more likely to go out and do things because the internet with its myriad of activities to keep us indoors was still relatively obscure.
as much as i sound like a grandpa yearning for the days of yore, i do acknowledge how much richer my life is with the aid of technology and im not going to kid myself, even if i can go without the world waits for no man, that is its transient nature. so its not a question if i will succumb but more when the abstinance will cease. i already feel isolated.