Feb 16, 2005 15:30
Today just hasn't been a really great day. Theology made me want to sleep. Had a civ quiz and ummm no. Got my civ exam from TWO WEEKS AGO back and again...no. Seriously, I thought I did well on it. The thing is I still don't know what I did wrong cuz whoever graded it did not tell me / comment on it / make any marks on my paper. Annnd next week is only 4 days long yet I have 3 exams, including another civ exam. So exactly how am I supposed to improve if I have no idea what I did wrong on the last one. MMMMMK? I feel like I'm getting sick. Probably am since one of my roomates and her whole circle of friends are dying.
Let's get into how just about every guy at my school is exactly the same. They are all preppy, popped collar, hairstyle, alcoholic, "I think I am the absolute shit" type of guys. Everyone has at least one pink collared shirt because it's now cool. And they all want the same type of anorexic I think i'll just have a stick of gum and some lettuce today, highlighted hair, mini-skirt and ugg-wearing, fake tanned, alcoholic bimbo. Giggle giggle. UM NO!!!!!!!
Hi my name is Elina. I like the color red. I enjoy cheeseburgers and fries and ice cream. And waffles. I really like waffles. I'm gonna get dessert and I'm gonna eat it all. You know what, I'll even split the check with you. I don't have a mini-skirt or Uggs. I prefer sneakers. I've never put an ounce of fake color in my hair and the only time I ever went tanning was for junior prom and I absolutely HATED IT. I don't find it practical or even fun to spend $300 on a wallet. My favorite things to do are play (soberly) in the rain, finger paint, watch movies, and read books. Yeah...it's true. I like guys who are laid-back and don't make it their mission in life to be FAKE. Guys who can speak their minds about things and who actually have opinions. I don't expect you to have the same ones as me. I prefer it when guys make a card or plan something thoughtful...you don't need to buy me stuff to make me feel special. And ya know what? I like it when you play video games cuz its cute and I want you to be a little bit of a dork cuz so am I.
And there you have it.