Dec 25, 2010 05:20
Just... waiting for Kwanzaa~
But my sister got me this kickass Alice in Wonderland wallet, I love it~ Although I'm disappointed that the gift I got her last year, a purple camera, is messed up. She has a warranty on it though, so we can exchange it for her.
Uhh... it's supposed to be 75% chance of snow this afternoon, buuuutttt... we'll see. For awhile, everywhere in North GA has been getting snow, but there's some kind of... force field bubble over Athens, so the best we get is Mother Nature having a bad itch on her scalp and dandruff falls on our pitiful town. :/
Speaking of scalp?
Watched "Good Hair" for the first time. No matter how much my head itches, I'm never scratching it before a perm again, that shit stings. Bad. And they brought it all back.
But still not doing weave/tracks, even for lolita. That's what wigs are for, and I actually prefer my short hair; it works for kodona~
Have enough money for my table at Momocon~ Sharing with the epic amazingness that is Alice, since I now have a full table.
She says the same thing, too. But she spoils me I'M NOT WORTHY!! That's like sharing a table with Catherine or Ivy. "Hey, look everyone! Meet jungwooim/splash! They have the honor of sharing a table with cruddy 'ol Donnimon... who is that anyways?" *sobs forever*
I'm doing RP's again? :O
Uhhh.... so this is my first time doing an Inazuma RP. Most would expect "oh yeah, the Takeuchi Junko fanatic is gonna swipe Endou-kun" but NO, I got TACHIMUKAI AAAAAAHHHHHH~!!! *rolls around the... err... bed?* I freakin' love the kid, even though people see him as just a copycat Endou-substitute.
Kageyama: Well, as principal, I'm disappointed to say that your teacher, Endou Mamoru, is out sick today.
Students: Baaawwwww....
Hiroto: *starts making soccer lookin' cards*
Kazemaru: *runs to Endou's house*
Fudou: *lols*
Kageyama: But you'll like the substitute~ class, meet Tachimukai Yuuki.
Kogure: *throws tomato* IIshishishishishiiiiiii~~~ <333
Soooooo.... yeah. *weak smile* I can do it, I know I caaannnnn~!!! SAKKA YAROU ZE!!
Oh, and I'm sick. Mainly a sore throat, and not as bad as last time with the dizziness and things. But still. Bummer. But I hope to get better before Sunday, Bev and I are supposed to be chillin' out. We haven't done that since Momocon '10 (March), blasted military with their flat feet policy and their don't ask, don't tell stuff and... *mutters*
inazuma eleven