Title: What do you want for Breakfast
Author: naki-sama
Fandom: Kamui
Couple: Shui x Atsuma
Disclaimer: not mine
Note: yet another unknown yet awesome manga. from Atsuma's pov.
He knows i wake early. so he comes when i'm still in bed. his singing voice down the halls tells me of his arrival. his lips against my forehead, his hand wrapped around mine. his smile is gentle, greeting me. "what would you like to eat for breakfast, kitty? a bowl of milk." i never reply, but that doesn't matter, because he'll make me eat. with a song in his speech, and laughter in his eyes, he kisses me again.
He says he doesn't ask questions. "what would you like for breakfast?" his smile, his eyes, are asking something different. with that questions, it's like he's saying 'who are you, where are you from, why are you here?' gently, with a smile, before continuing to sing while holding my hand. "what would you like for breakfast?" looking at me with such interest, it hard not to understand what he's really thinking. "may i tame you, black cat with straying eyes?" i never reply. because he already knows.