lolololol this was so much fun

Dec 15, 2009 19:17

In #gayoldmen:

[05:02] * Chitose is now known as Narushige
[05:02] * Narushige drapes on Rakan
[05:02] [@Hali] .......YOU LIAR
[05:02] [@Hali] YOU LIAR OMG
[05:02] [@Hali] lvdmfgns,
[05:02] * Hali is now known as Rakan
[05:02] [Narushige] I HAD THE FUNNIEST MOMENTS omg
[05:03] [@Rakan] I LOVE YOU. I HATE YOU.
[05:03] [Narushige] I know.
[05:03] [Narushige] Don't tell Fuuma yet.
[05:03] [Narushige] or idk
[05:03] [Narushige] do what you want
[05:03] [@Rakan] ... ... ... but
[05:03] [@Rakan] ........I won't tell her but if you reveal anywhere she'll know OH MY GOD YOU n,jskfsa
[05:04] [@Rakan] that was cruel T_T
[05:04] [Narushige] :( sorry
[05:04] [@Rakan] I thought I was terrifying some newbie into never apping again ever XDDDD
[05:04] [Narushige] Should I drop and let someone else app
[05:04] [@Rakan] .... NO
[05:04] [Narushige] I thought you guys were so cute


[05:11] [@Rakan] ..... this was revenge for the anon meme wasn't it
[05:11] [Narushige] .... the anon meme?
[05:11] [Narushige] ..................... wait what
[05:12] [@Rakan] uh. it's not called that huh.
[05:12] [@Rakan] the one with the anon complements.
[05:12] [@Rakan] where I knew it was you.
[05:12] [Narushige] Oh
[05:13] [Narushige] naaaah. I've planned to app him ever since you both appd
[05:13] [Narushige] I just didn't know how or when or what fhfdkjsgfd
[05:13] [@Rakan] heeeeee sdkgfdg so excited
[05:13] [Narushige] |D


[05:14] [Narushige] --- DID YOU TELL HER
[05:14] [Narushige] Rakan
[05:14] [@Rakan] no
[05:14] [Narushige] lol she doesn't know yet then
[05:16] [@Rakan] SHE DOES NOW
[05:16] [Narushige] HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
[05:16] [Narushige] oh well. ALMOST
[05:16] [Narushige] if I had kept quiet about it overall
[05:16] [Narushige] but. it's so difficult
[05:17] [Narushige] Rakan, I think I just... I dotted at you in your pimping thread xD That was the only hint-ish thing I left
[05:17] [Narushige] and then I distracted you with chibi yoi-te
[05:17] [@Rakan] ...I pressured you a few times!
[05:18] [@Rakan] but you'd just ":) :)"
[05:18] [Narushige] Where
[05:18] [Narushige] in chan?
[05:18] [@Rakan] and I was like... I don't know what that meeeans
[05:18] [Narushige] barely remembers
[05:18] [@Rakan] uh, yeah
[05:18] [@Rakan] in here
[05:18] [Narushige] ahahahaha of course not
[05:18] [Narushige] ANYWAY
[05:18] [Narushige] I APPED NOW
[05:18] [Narushige] happy?
[05:18] [@Rakan] I AM SO VERY HAPPY
[05:19] [Narushige] l-lol
[05:19] [@Rakan] .....or alternatively sleep there too. whichever.
[05:20] * Narushige chokes
[05:21] [Narushige] would be so crowded.
[05:21] [@Rakan] well
[05:22] [@Rakan] ....yes


[05:27] [@Rakan] ummmmm
[05:27] [Narushige] ...I'm not apping again for a while now.
[05:27] [@Rakan] XD
[05:28] [Narushige] And I think my heart has returned to it's normal speed rate now
[05:28] [@Rakan] that also made me think it wasn't you!
[05:28] [Narushige] What ?
[05:28] [Narushige] the icons?
[05:28] [@Rakan] because you'd been talking about how you'd apped to much
[05:28] [@Rakan] *o
[05:28] [Narushige] Ahahahah xD
[05:28] [Narushige] right.
[05:28] [@Rakan] [[
[05:28] [Narushige] i didn't mention apping this round AT ALL
[05:28] [Narushige] And the icons were also a distraction
[05:28] [+Tatsumish] ||D
[05:28] [Narushige] so was the time of the post
[05:28] [Narushige] and the email
[05:28] [Narushige] and the old nickname
[05:29] [Narushige] I was planning on logging in from Mibbit while I was on as Chitose too
[05:29] [Narushige] but. My internet doesn't want to load mibbit, so I just gave up that idea |D
[05:30] [Narushige] I blame my LJ name on Raimei, btw.
[05:30] * Narushige sleeps on Rakan
[05:30] [@Rakan] well, I was almost never on irc anyway XD
[05:31] [@Rakan] and the username is beautiful
[05:31] [Narushige] I need Kou now.
[05:31] [@Rakan] you need a Kou
[05:31] [@Rakan] --yes
[05:31] * @Rakan snuggles
[05:31] * Narushige snuggles haha
[05:31] [Narushige] ...........
[05:32] [Narushige] Hey
[05:32] [Narushige] stop that
[05:32] * Narushige p-pats Rakan
[05:32] [@Rakan] what?
[05:33] [Narushige] reading my mind xD
[05:33] [@Rakan] .... no >:


[05:37] [Narushige] Now I can go and unlock the orientation/concrit entry and put up the journal layout |D
[05:37] [Narushige] If hadn't disabled the layout or the entry, anyone would have known it was me. I have the same sort of layout for all my characters xD
[05:38] [@Rakan] you thought about this waaaay too much XD
[05:38] [Narushige] I WANTED TO TRY IT OKAY
[05:39] * Namine[work] is now known as Namine
[05:39] [Narushige] Hi Namine~
[05:39] [+Tatsumish] |D
[05:39] * Narushige leans on Tatsumi
[05:39] [Narushige] :)
[05:39] [+Tatsumish] FUN, ISN'T IT, CHITOSE
[05:39] [+Tatsumish] Hey, Namine o/
[05:39] [Narushige] IT IS
[05:39] [Narushige] it's hilarious
[05:39] [Namine] hi guys!
[05:40] [Narushige] |D


[05:50] [@Rakan] fffff I am still so excited
[05:50] [+Tatsumish] I need to go make tea
[05:51] [@Rakan] my harem~~~~
[05:51] [Narushige] ...... Rakan.
[05:51] [@Rakan] .... what
[05:51] [Narushige] Who told you that.
[05:52] [Narushige] Not. Harem.
[05:52] [@Rakan] ... it's not something I'd say ICly or anything :(
[05:52] [Narushige] ahaha
[05:52] [@Rakan] are too
[05:52] [@Rakan] SD = Fushigi Yuugi = guyharem manga
[05:53] [Narushige] haha
[05:54] [Narushige] Oh, in the emails. What I did was to replace xD with XD and use :P and ^^ which isn't so common for me, and say ha ha, instead of haha, and use ... instead of . . .
[05:54] [Narushige] ETCH
[05:54] [Narushige] I guess i wasn't inconspicious enough
[05:54] [Narushige] etc -h
[05:54] * Narushige is a dork


[06:03] [@Rakan] ............ Chitose. way too much thought.
[06:03] [+Tatsumish] Well, good news is that means that I should be able to get stuff for Secret Santa tomorrow night without resorting to Walmart.
[06:03] * @Rakan was just generally clueless
[06:03] [Narushige] What
[06:03] [Narushige] oh
[06:04] [@Rakan] if you'd done it from an anon account, I would have caught on anyway
[06:04] [@Rakan] because you didn't, I was totally clueless
[06:04] [Narushige] Rakan what
[06:04] [@Rakan] ... a lot of people use fake emails
[06:05] [Narushige] Ah
[06:05] [@Rakan] but they're like ''
[06:05] [+Tatsumish] |D
[06:05] [+Tatsumish] pffft
[06:05] [Narushige] So. my ramunerain was good?
[06:05] [@Rakan] ;; yes
[06:05] [Narushige] it's a mail I created for something else, but I never used it.
[06:05] [Narushige] so |D
[06:05] [@Rakan] ....Tatsumi I see you there
[06:06] [+Tatsumish] |DDD
[06:06] [@Rakan] I GOT YOU BACK >(


[12:09] * Naruzzzhige touches Fuuma a little, then goes back to sleep zzzz
[12:09] [@Fuuma] kyaa
[12:09] * Fuuma is now known as Chigusa
[12:10] * @Chigusa hugs Narushige
[12:10] [Naruzzzhige] fmd,agsdffd
[12:10] [@Chigusa] :)

In #campfuckudie:

[05:02] * Chitose is now known as Narushige
[05:02] [Narushige] Roxas, you're very insightful
[05:02] [Haseo] I GUESSED RIGHT?
[05:02] * Hali is now known as Rakan
[05:03] [Narushige] YES
[05:03] [Narushige] of course
[05:03] [Haseo] when your app went up, I was like, "Oh, I bet that's Chitose," to myself.
[05:03] [Haseo] but the icons.
[05:03] [Narushige] But the icons, I know :D
[05:03] [Narushige] He doesn't fit with full colours
[05:04] [Ari] \o/ \o/
[05:04] [Narushige] I just tried a new style~
[05:05] [Narushige] Gods I am so hyper dsgdlff
[05:05] * Yorick|Unmanned ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:05] [Narushige] Rakan, just so you know, I had so much fun at you two
[05:06] [Rakan] ....why must you say there here too
[05:06] * Rakan clings forever
[05:06] [Narushige] Because I actually managed to ninja someone
[05:07] * Narushige snuggles Rakan
[05:07] * Raven is now known as Raven|food
[05:07] * Narumi ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:07] [Rakan] ...... ...... ....... we were so close to figuring it out, but no
[05:08] [Narushige] Tell me
[05:08] [Narushige] How were you close?
[05:08] [Narushige] |D
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] Oh
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] was I the only one who knew
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] :)
[05:08] [Narushige] NO
[05:08] [+Ganymede] ... in a bizarre role reversal.
[05:08] [Narushige] ... Oz, you REMEMBERED?
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] SHUT UP SIAN
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] yes
[05:08] [+Yuri^Lowell] ...HEY
[05:08] [+Ganymede] :B usually oz is the only one who doesn't know ...
[05:09] [Narushige] HAHAHAA
[05:09] [+Yuri^Lowell] :(((
[05:09] [Narushige] Oz, I told you, and then I told about 3 other people
[05:09] [Narushige] and then I DIDN'T tell Rakan or Chigusa
[05:09] [Narushige] :)b
[05:09] [+Yuri^Lowell] XD
[05:10] * Jaime (~panicbell@ has joined #campfuckudie
[05:10] * AJ[STUFF] touuuuuuuuuuuuuuches jaime
[05:10] * Jaime sits on AJ :B
[05:10] [Rakan] "you know, a lot of this kind of reminds me of Chitose..." "me too" "maybe it's a language thing?"
[05:10] [AJ[STUFF]] ... Oz remembered something?
[05:10] [Tot] A MOMENTOUS DAY
[05:10] [Narushige] ahahaha
[05:10] * Tot cougars merlin
[05:10] [+Yuri^Lowell] dfgfdg
[05:10] [+Yuri^Lowell] ...
[05:10] [+Yuri^Lowell] SHUT UP
[05:10] [AJ[STUFF]] ... woah :o
[05:10] [Flynn] AHAHA
[05:10] [Rakan] hi Jaime!
[05:10] [+Ganymede] ... poor oz :x
[05:11] [Jaime] hiiii
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] ....
[05:11] [+Ganymede] HI JAIME /o/
[05:11] [Tatsumish] JAIME
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] oh like YOu can talk, Vincent
[05:11] [+Yuri^Lowell] ;;
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] seriously.
[05:11] [+Ganymede] ...
[05:11] * Colette touches Jaime. :3
[05:11] [+Ganymede] what's this
[05:11] [Jaime] \o\
[05:11] [+Ganymede] what've i done
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] about "poor Oz"
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] really now
[05:11] * Kagura-chan ( Quit (Quit: brbye)
[05:11] [+Ganymede] ...
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] don't be so hypocritical
[05:11] [+Ganymede] :')
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] jerk
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] you should just die.
[05:11] [+Ganymede] ilu break.
[05:11] [AJ[STUFF]] die.
[05:11] [+Ganymede] :3(\ nyoro~n
[05:12] [Echo] ...cute
[05:13] [+Yuri^Lowell] ...
[05:13] [AJ[STUFF]] Poor Oz >:

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