
Aug 23, 2009 00:00

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

What's your favorite thing in your room?
not sure... my laptop, i guess... and my whole collection of DVDs? books, but most of them don't fit in the shelf beside my bed. so, they're all outside in a bigger shelf...

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
i just tell her (yeah! it's all her... most of the time!) the damned truth; ready myself for arrows and spears from her mouth; get it over and she gives me a new deadline... either way, i get demerits... most of the time, it's just to freak people out... so what if she gives it to me... i just hope it doesn't affect other things since they're all over small stuff! hmph!

What kind of books do you read?
emm... mostly, I read books like those written by Jodi Picoult, Mitch Albom and Nicholas Spark. They're all down to earth kind yet there's these bits of unreal things... (if you've read their books, you'll understand..)

What's your occupation?
full-time student, daughter, sister and also a believer of Christ ^^v

What's the weirdest thing you watched lately?
don't remember....

Who is your celebrity crush?
Yabu (?) hahaha~ not so sure after all...

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Currently, I'm totally into Arashi's songs...
Hey! Say! JUMP, News, Tegomass and Arashi ^^

What are you listening to right now?
billows of the air-conditioner in my bedroom

What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
well... i don't know... this is weird but there's a shop which cooks eggplants + fries + long beans.... i can go on for months with that... haha... or else it'll be Teppanyaki... ( eggplants + fries + long beans & Teppanyaki; i'll never get sick of )

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, MSN, Gmail and random sites i go to to do some research and stuff

What was the last thing you bought?
a cone of double scoop ice-cream from Desserts and Choux cream from Baker's Talk ^^v
*choux cream is cream puffs

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
^^ a little girl sitting beside me in the meeting who likes to hold my hand.... she's adorable and so gentle!

Does the weather affect your mood?
not really~ not at all

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you want to learn another language?
OF COURSE!!! Language is the only thing i'm good at Japanese and Spanish; for now...

5 things you can't live without.
God, mummy, Jamie, my MP3s (i can survive one night and day without... but i can barely make it through)  and probably my mobile...

If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
i just feel like i need a hug~ i don't know who.... ( i don't feel like meeting anyone famous right now)

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
i want to say 'I love you' (anyone??)

What are you looking forward to?
to the trip to KL and Genting (even if it's for studying purposes; i still get to play)

Name some/one thing(s) that have happened to you that you would consider a fail. Or epic fail.
the competition i recently lost in... could've done better but I don't regret =) *positive!*

Say something to the person who tagged you:

i don't know who i wanna tag ler~





don't know who else... have fun!

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