
Apr 30, 2008 11:56

Food meme stolen from Nene nezumiko

1. Are you a vegetarian? Vegan?
Hell no. Must. Eat. Baby. Animals.

2. What's your favorite food?
Oh man I'm gonna have to say veal tongues in horseradish sauce with mashed potatoes. :9

3. White bread or whole wheat?
I like that regular American toast bread cuz it tastes cool, but I prefer my fresh, straight from the oven rye bread is soooo good.

4. What's for breakfast?
Bread with pâté or Kindziuk coldcuts, random cereal, whatever.

5. You're making a Dagwood sandwich. What's in it?
A what? Oooooh *googled* Let's see, coldcuts, tomato, salad, uhhh. Huh. That's all?

6. What's on your pizza?
Cheese, champignons (mushrooms), salami, green peppers, tomatos, oregano.

7. Coffee, tea, milk, or soda?
Soda or tea with lemon and sugar.

8. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Huh... ionno, I like it best with other stuff, like chocolate bars. Oh, but there's this delicious hazelnut-flavoured milk chocolate with bubbles of air, omg so good.

9. Teetotal, beer, wine, or hard liquor?
Beer with raspberry syrup, drinks where you can't taste the alcohol (liky Lychee Soho with cokle or sprite)!

10. Does cilantro taste like citrus or like soap?

11. Is chorizo the greatest thing ever or is it totally disgusting?
:( What.

12. Do you use garlic like a vegetable or like a spice?
Spice, never had garlic in doses larger than tiny little bits mashed up in food.

13. Onions: raw, cooked, or not at all?
Spring onions raw on bread with tomatos and chives. Apart from that cooked, unless raw in minimal amounts in a tasty salad.

14. Does broccoli taste sweet or bitter?
broccoli is about as sweet as carrots, I think. I don't even put cooked broccoli in my mouth because GROSS.

15. How do you feel about fish?
I have fish most Fridays due to not eating meat that day (religious thing), I love smoked salmon to pieces, also fish-sticks and fried fish while on summer vacation. I'm not a big fan of steamed or cooked or baked fish. My cousin makes the most delicious "Japanese" fish which isn't Japanese at all. It's pieces of friend fish in a delicious tomato-red pepper dip.

16. How about sushi?
Depends, I like the makis a lot, salmonmaki, tekkamaki, etc... but generally it has to be with something, the fish itself has no taste.

17. Favorite ethnic cuisine?
I have a soft spot for American fast food (lol), my own Polish food and Chinese cuisine.

18. What's your favorite fruit?
I haaaaaate apples. Fave fruits would be most summer fruits: cherries, nectarines, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries.

19. Cheese - thumbs up or thumbs down? How about blue cheese?
BLEARGHHHHH CHEEESEEEEEE EWWWW Only melted on my pizza or burger, thank you very much.

20. Finally, favorite dessert?
Oh this is a hard one... :9 ice-cream, allll sorts of cakes but apple pie especially... uhm. What else... oh man, everything! D-don't make me play favourites with my babies!
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