The icon works perfectly

Apr 26, 2008 16:23


Today I spent 2 hours destroying the most disgusting pigeon nest in the world. I love all animals, but I just have no respect for pigeons. Especially when they turn my grandmother's balcony into a toxic battlezone. I'm pretty sure you couldn't go out there without contracting every possible disease known to mankind, and then some.

Anyway, this was pretty much the first time I had seen the balcony, and it was disgusting. Pigeon shit all over the place, no spot to put your foot. I took a closer look at the nest itself, which was behind a roll of plastic wiring. The nest was made of a few sticks and the largest pile of feces I have ever seen. I shit you not, this was pretty vomit-inducing. The mom and the dad were sitting tail to tail, with the mom half covering an egg that had been there for a month or two and obviously would never hatch. When I picked it up (with a bag) it was lukewarm. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The nest:

Look at that!!! So gross:

She wasn't even warming the egg... :/ It was obviously not going to hatch anything, if it had been there for more than a month.

IT FUCKING STANK. I spooked the male out, but the female wouldn't move. After a while she hopped onto the brick beside the nest, so I took a wooden spatula and slid it under her. I actually lifted her over the edge of the balcony and then she flew away. So I donned my heavy-duty toxic waste removal gear and got to work:

Lol the idea was to not inhale all the crap that started flying when I got to work on that nest with a fucking snow shovel. Seriously, it took a huge shovel with metal trimming to get that disgusting pile of bird-droppings and twigs into a garbage bag. I think I've never done anything equally revolting, and thank God my "mask" stopped most of the smell. Sometimes I'd get a whiff and it was tragic. Anyway we managed to scrape down the whole balcony, throw out all the shit that would take too much time to clean, and then my grandma treated us to cake and tea. LOL Now we have to buy something to prevent pigeons from landing on the balcony and wash it with some kind of disinfectant. Fawk.

Afterwards when we were done the pigeons came back and started crooning, I felt kind of bad for them. :(

But then I went for a walk with my dad and we saw a kitty! ♥

He was fooling around on the sidewalk :D

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