Sep 27, 2006 15:34

HAPPY BIRTHDAY imparfait!!!

I suck at birthday wishes, so:

Happy birthday to you,
You stepped in some poo!
Don't waste it just taste it!
Happy birthday to you!

This is also a way of thanking you for that paid account or the icons or whatever you got me. See, it was so long ago I can't remember, which just makes me feel even more guilty. XD It could even have been both. XD

And also Flash, because it allows me to draw characters I've never done before. XDXD

I hope it actually makes sense, yanno? XD

LOL I hope this is all OK... I found your old comment with your request, for pairings you like and such... and I stalked your user-info as well. XD Enjoy love, and again, happy birthday! I ate an apple pastry today in your honour. ♥

Tisch, I totally still remember, so like... be patient. XDXD

Also, Jailbait's group showed their true faces today. They "forgot" their textbooks, meaning I couldn't do anything in class with them. I was so pissed and my mood was horrid for the rest of the day.

So I gave them grammar homework. *snickers*

I'M NEVER TEACHING AGAIN. orz *has classes tomorrow at 7:30 and on Friday*

Though I've learned a valuable lesson from them today. NEVER GO EASY ON YOUR CLASS. Be a bitch from the start, they will learn to be obedient. lol

fanart, bleach, life

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