
Sep 20, 2006 18:18

Awww hell naw. D: I have to teach at 7:30am tomorrow. It's totally going to mess up my day. Totally. I'm not gonna get enough sleep, I'm going to be teaching THE GROUP I LEAST LIKE, then I'm gonna come home grumpy, then I have to go to tutoring BY TRAIN because my dad will steal the damn car (unless he comes home earlier... hmmm...), then I hafta go to yoga (because I left my teacher a note saying I would be coming in to pick up the yoga mat I was supposed to take like... 2 months ago orz)... so I'm guessing I will be a soggy mess of doom by the end of the day. At least one of the people I tutor backed out. I don't get that much from her anyway (she used to prepare me for high-schoole exams, so she got a good deal XD), so maybe I'll have time to take a nap.

Erm, here's a pic I drew for yankeerose69 for her wonderful help with converting Kaizoku Fansubs releases from mp4 to avi... Well, actually she did all the converting and just sent them to me. XD She asked for some RenRuki. :P

Thanks to ptps for background suggestions/ideas, and huge thanks to [Sagittarius (LakePeekPics)] for allowing me to use [THIS] photo he took as the background. Try to guess which bit of the sky I used. ;)

Ugh, feeling really grumpy right now... possibly because I ran out of reading material. Been reading lots of Genma, Raidou fics and RPs since yesterday, now I'm out of them and I'm feel... not sated. XD

*shudders* God I hate the new this stuff in new for me, OK?! Fergie song. Fergie Fergie me love you long time~ WTF Some bits are catchy I guess. *shrugs*

OH LOL Paris Hilton is singing now. *shudders even more* It's a slow day today... :( blah.

fanart, bleach, life

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