(stolen from the fabulous
writer_klmeri, who's written over
one million words in fandom, how)
A short retrospective on the 46 fics (41 complete, 5 WIPs, in 5 fandoms) that I've produced this year, and how they made me ~feel. Links go to my stories as posted on A03, because it was easier to pull the names off of that site.
Under the Dark - vampires, WIP at 35k, biggest shame because I still haven't finished it!
Building is a Metaphor - This and Cardinal Sin are actually the first things I ever wrote in the SPN fandom, on one o
bewaretheides315's many autocorrect memes.
Cardinal Sin - J2 blowjobs
And Flowers Mark the Hour - 7x17 speculation, crazy!Cas, art comment fics
The Maenads Sang - for k/s valentine
Alouette - Trickster!Cas! I was cruising one tag or another when I saw someone asking for this, and decided it sounded cool. I'm still not sure about the execution of the idea but the OP
impavid-incondite and I are buds now. Cheers, darling!
Eye Contact amp
The Morning After - More J2 goodness that's bewaretheides' fault
But in Your Dreams (Whatever They Be) - little five-plus-one where everyone passes out on Dean, poor Dean, but it turned out way angstier than I intended
Like Some Thoughts Wearing Thin - I just like the idea that Cas busts in on them for no reason at the most banal moments. Like, fold socks or filling out credit application
(Like Stars Burning Holes) Right Through the Dark - the OP wanted porn, I dropped a gigantic bucket of PG angst and ran away laughing
Comfortable - so much fun to write. I love crazy!Cas so much, most favorite incarnation so far
Words Like Sparks - my biggest hit, Teen Wolf-wise, and apparently the one I'm most known for? Which was not at all what I anticipated when I wrote it for
Saucery hen s/he was more active on livejournal
In the Forests of the Night - another fic for impavid-incondite! hugs, hugs for everyone
Lovestruck - in which Derek is koto's punching bag and no one is happy, ever
In the Beginning There Was Darkness - what was originally going to be the first chapter of my spn_j2_bigbang. It... didn't work out
Find (Me) - in my ongoing efforts to fill all the prompts, this was one from
Pictsie Dust - crazy!Cas, porn, and shiny, shiny hair
Puppy Piles - I needed Jackson to be okay and liked, or, you know, at least tolerated. I always sympathize with the jackasses
Gravitation - this is going on two years of me being unable to finish and post in time for Thanksgiving, and really, I have no freaking idea why
Stars and Burning Skies - studio Ghibli (any movie) + supernatural = WIN WIN WIN
There Will Come a Reckoning - a western, which is one genre I never, EVER saw myself writing. Heavily influenced by
entanglenow's Lucifer After School Special: A Lovestruck Outtake - the only instance in Lovestruck where anyone is happy, which is why it isn't a chapter of the story proper
On Photobooths and Fall Weather - just a cute idea I had that, unlike hundreds of other cute ideas, actually got written
Closed and Open amp
What's This? amp
Telephone Etiquette amp
'Tis the Season - FILL ALL THE PROMPTS, seriously, if you ask me to write you something I will do it
Domesticated - the crazy puma fic that happened in three days and yet is 15k. HOW. Still, proud like a mama penguin is proud of her hugly little poofball chick
as small as a world and as large as alone - :(. That's pretty much all I have to say about my venture into angel!Dean, righteous man!Cas. :((((((
Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind - Peter/Stiles always happens to me in the shower, and then I have to scramble to write it down and type it up at work
Happy Endings - Getting this out was like hammering a round peg through a square hole. koto's ongoing battle with her sincere desire to write porn, versus her complete inability to do so
Special Collections and Artifact Theft - random as hell Weechesters and... maps? yeah, I know
Toil and Trouble &
Practical Applications of Winchester Logic - Sam and Cas are college bros, with gratuitous clueless and clumsy!Cas and long-suffering!Sam
As You Will - what is it about this fic that made it so rebloggable? Dean says no when Cas proposes, Cas is sad, Dean realizes he's a butt and it's magically all better. I cannot see the attraction here
A Lean and Hungry Look - morning = Peter/Stiles = morning
Like Water, Like Rain - Fill All the Prompts Part ICXV
College Parties are Overrated (Everyone Should Trick-or-Treat) - too much fun, put away the Halloween candy
Holiday Parties - I was head of the decorating committee at work this year and all my rage and frustration with it got sublimated into here
By Any Other Name - secret santa, PUPPIES
Pretty Paper, Pretty Ribbon - NEVER
Sleep Tight &
Avoir vû le loup - running a holiday exchange is hard work, dudes, and although I knew abstractly that I was an annoying little shit when I kept asking for extensions and things, now I know how it feels from the mod side of things. Which hasn't kept me from being late, but, I do now understand their pain
Baby It's Cold Outside - my ongoing battle to actually produce porn worth reading, Threesome Edition
(Pending) Could Be Worse - I WILL FINISH THIS BEFORE 2013, DAMNIT
1. This year I wrote and posted:
46 fics: 41 complete, 5 WIPs, in 5 fandoms, for a total of ~ 142K. WHAT, REALLY???
2. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? More, definitely. Holy crap.
3. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I think the most random thing I wrote was a Mycroft/John smutlet for Eva, as part of our mutual Halloween trick-or-treating. It's a pairing I personally have never come close to shipping, but it was fun to write!
4. What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? The one that made me the happiest... well, on completion, Domesticated definitely made me a happy girl. I signed up for four bigbangs this year and only finished one of them, and I had to downgrade to a minibang. URGH. Well, still better than last year, where I was zero for one.
5. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? The bigbangs were my biggest risks, and for the most part I failed miserably! I learned that I either need to stop procrastinating and stick to a schedule, or swear off of them entirely. It's impossible to write a bigbang in a week, although I tried-several times.
6. From my past year of writing, what was....
A. My best story of this year: I'm really, ridiculously proud of Domesticated. Just, yeah. I can't believe I finished something above 10k in a coherent way. Basically, if I can't finish something in a day its chances of getting finished at all drop like a rock, so the fact that it's up is something of a minor miracle.
B. My most popular story of this year (based on comments): The response to Words Like Sparks was huge, and unexpected, as I had no idea how active the Teen Wolf fandom was (at that point, I wasn't a part of it). But the real breakout hit was As You Will, a short little Victorian AU I wrote at four am on a Friday before going to work. HOW DID IT GET 400+ NOTES ON TUMBLR, HOW, I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THAT.
C. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: In the Beginning There Was Darkness. Granted, I touted it as the most boring thing I've ever written
D. Most fun story to write: My favorite stories to actually produce where, for the most part, Sam/Cas. There's something so happy-making about that relationship. Also Peter/Stiles, because there's something delicious about evil assholes in love.
E. Most Unintentionally Telling Story: It was never posted, thank God. I've been having a lot of issues with my brother this year, and because he and I used to watch Supernatural together I started seeing Dean and Sam parallels and wondering if writing on that relationship would help me deal with what was happening IRL. Nope. Not a good idea.
7. Fic-writing goals for 2013: FINISH WHAT I SIGN-UP FOR/START. That is all.