Warning: Rant Ahead

Apr 05, 2008 13:25

How on Earth did the free world come together and decide to award something as uniting and powerful as the Olympics on a country that is in no way deserving of them on many points? It is shameful and the nations who are giving this a free pass should be throughly ashamed and disgusted with themselves.

Of course, they won't be. And they'd rather poo-poo the obvious facts and simper, bow and make nice than stand up for what is right.

China has no business holding the Olympics at this time in their growth. They are still an oppressive, lying, murdering, tyrannical communist state that has proven in the past weeks to be as corrupt and unworthy of a globally uniting event such as the Olympics. They violate human and animal rights with a flair and lack of shame that is awe-inspiring. The world, on a whole, should be ashamed to be supporting this type of government with their money and national coverage.

The issues that have arising in Tibet only make my back go up even more. How DARE they try to tell the world that nothing too bad is going on, yet kick out the world media and then go on a media blitz of accusing a peaceful and holy man like the Dali Llama of being a devil or jackal-headed monster? This man, in all of his grace, has even submitted to China rule as long as they let Tibet remain itself and not destroy their culture and faith. But does China listen? Of COURSE not. To anyone who even barely understand the communist-type of government it is a fact that they can not exist with established religions powerfully involved, thus they must destroy them and, if it must remain 'there' put a 'state-face' on it. Their attempts at installing a fake Beijing-loyal Dali Llama-wanna-be proves that, along with their attempts at forcing monks in the Tibetan monasteries to undergo 'State Education and swear loyalty to Beijing'. Not only from a religious standpoint is China destroying the culture of Tibet, they are pushing out and replacing the local Tibetan people with the Chinese Han, giving them what I term the 'colonial package' to move in and simply get rid of the local people.

The world, and all free countries, have a duty to stand up and put their feet down on the actions of China. That we would just pass it over, give it a free pass, or view it as 'none of our business' as China would prefer(and has stated very bluntly) is so far beyond the pale it isn't even funny. By supporting the Olympics we are providing an oppressive and corrupt government with an international platform to laud their greatness, show we approve of them, and give them the money needed to extend their control and power as well as fund their atrocities.

And if you don't care about Tibet, think about Darfur, as well. Do a little research. The world should be ASHAMED of themselves for allowing and supporting China in what should be a world-uniting event that is a great honor to host.

tibet olympics

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