
Dec 23, 2005 18:06

Terry's host sister just had her daughter, a prefect gift in time for the holidays!! Her name is Gabrielle, and so now big brother Jackson, (2) will have a playmate in a few years time!
Tomarrow, the 23rd, Terry and I are going to the Vosburg's for Their Christmas party. The bummer will be missing Lisa, the new baby, and most likely Jackson and Brian.
The 24th, well, Merry Chrismas Eve!! Mom is having this day. She's cooking dinner, and we'll have the family there, my brother, Shanelle, Hailey, mom and dad of course, and then my Uncle Mike. Not sure if anyoen else will be there or not.
And Christmas morning. That's at my parents, Christmas day will be at Grandma and Grandpa Tyvaert's, and then Terry and I have to be back to Saginaw by 10:30 to pick YoungBin and his girlfriend up from the airport.
So, thats the plan!!
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