Sashiburi~!!! I can't believe it took me months to complete this batch. And... the last batch I posted was... when? Right, November. ;___; College demanded me too much of my time and I missed making icon batches. I made some small batches of icons consisting of Arashi and, Merlin. I promised a friend to make Merlin icons and I'm so sorry it took so long, Eva! ;o;
And! Because Mason Moon is just too adorable, I decided to make a few icons on him! And when I say a few, I really mean few few. I couldn't find much good quality pics on him on Google. ;o;
A FEW WORDS OR TWO: ♣ Most of the scans were taken from SNG. ♣ Please credit either to kotomi_graphics or cerraazizi if you decide to use any of the graphics! ^.^V ♣ Textless icons are certainly not bases. Please do not edit them in any way. ♣ DO NOT claim them as yours; please. If there's anything I hate it's plagiarism. DX ♣ Comments are ♥~~ ♣ Credits and resources are here. ♣ Lastly, enjoy~~