один из любимых анекдотов

Oct 26, 2011 13:28

Jesus was getting more and more annoyed at the drugs problem on earth. He called an emergency meeting with his apostles and after a few hours discussion, they all decided that they needed more information. So the apostles volunteered to go on earth and to bring back samples of each drug. 
After a few days, the apostles start coming back. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s Peter. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, Peter? 
- Hashish from Morocco. 
- Excellent, come in. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s Mark. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, Mark? 
- Marijuana from India. 
- Excellent, come in. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s Matthew. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, Matthew? 
- Cocaine from Columbia. 
- Excellent, come in. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s John. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, John? 
- Ecstasy from Montreal. 
- Excellent, come in. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s Luke. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, Luke? 
- Speed from Amsterdam. 
- Excellent, come in. 
- Who’s there? 
- It’s Judas. 
Jesus opens the door. 
- What did you bring back, Judas? 
- FBI! Everyone against the wall!


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