Hamster and Penguin ^^

May 13, 2011 17:23

Lately, I've been making doodles of hamsters and penguins. Yep! it's Ryutaro and Daiki....
Hehe! :D
Keito is associated with sea urchin, right?? o.O'
But, I don't know how to draw a sea urchin...
And I don't know what animals represent the other members...
My room mate uses pain tool SAI (and she's really good... you'll see it below) so I decided to try it.
It's so hard to use SAI if you don't have a pen tablet... T.T (I want a pen tablet!)

This is my first project... It's Daiki... My penguin looks like fat bird... (fail!)

I swear it's reeeaaalllyyyy hard to draw without a pen tablet!! T.T (fail!!)
It took me time to draw Ryuu...

Now, this one, is the work of my room mate... I asked her to draw a hamster for me... :D
I love this!!! It's so adorable!! :D

Now, you see the difference... with pen tablet and without pen tablet... and the work of an artist (my room mate, not me) and a --- nevermind!


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