Bad, bad, persimmons! Stop being...oh, god! You're delicious!

Nov 12, 2009 14:06

I knew it was a mistake when I started it. A delicious mistake, but still...

I had some leftover corn starch sitting in a bowl and I didn't want to just throw it away. We have an excess of persimmons in the house (I expect Japan has regular autumnal infestations of persimmons), so I began musing of the possibilities. The corn starch already had a little salt and paprika in it, so I added 1/2 - 1/4 cup of sugar (I don't really know....I just dumped in what was left in the bag. It wasn't much.). Then, I sliced up one ripe persimmon and coated it with the corn starch mixture and let it sit for a couple minutes. Before long, the corn starch absorbed some juice from the persimmons. I started heating up about 2 inches of oil and re-coated the persimmons. After the oil was hot, I started adding the persimmons, one at a time (cooking chopsticks win!). After they were golden-brownish (the outer crispy bits might look a bit pale, but if you start seeing dark brown flecks, don't let them cook any more), start taking them out. Unless you are using an actual deep-fryer with a basket, judge all of the pieces' done-ness individually. Let them cool a little bit, but not too much, because they are best when still warm. Crispy outside, ooey-gooey inside! Mmmmmmm~!

Try adding cinnamon or ginger powder to the corn starch mix for other flavor ideas...or sprinkle cinnamon and/or sugar over the finished fritters!

Being deep fried and all makes them not-so-good for you, but they are delicious.

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