Clorox and Food....Collide?

Jan 09, 2009 02:35

So, we get this sauce at work which claims to be produced by Clorox. I find this odd and disturbing. I forget the name of the sauce, but upon further investigation I've discovered that the Clorox Company does manufacture a line of condiments, including Hidden Valley dressings.

In completely unrelated news: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Of course it takes me over a week to get around to it, but I figured late is more often than never. Maybe I should also take this opportunity to tell everyone "Happy Birthday". While I'm at it, Happy Solstice (whichever you feel like celebrating) and Happy [enter holiday of choice here]!

Over the holiday break, I got to make soup, skordalia and a beef roast (not in the same meal). I also had a TON of dips and some really awesome vegan buffalo wings. I need to find a recipe for them. If I ever go vegetarian, I want them often.
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